If you are experiencing a painful break up right now, it’s truly not a “walk in the park”, I know…

Feeling down and lonely is a given. You may not feel like eating, and you probably prefer spending time alone crying and hiding from the rest of the world. But… this is not the end of everything.

There is some hope.

Even if it sounds a little unbelievable, you still have a chance for making up with your ex. Fact is that around 95% of all relationships can be salvaged after a breakup, but many give up before they even try… They decide in advance that it can not possibly work out. Sadly… they are wrong.

There is plenty you can try if you follow the right plan and avoid common mistakes.

Watch out for the following critical breakup blunders.

1) Showing up or calling your ex constantly will annoy them at this fragile moment. It is not the right time. Acting desperate to win them back will give them the impression that you are clingy and not willing to respect their decision. This is not the impact that you want to portray. It will be best if you give them some time to think and reflect instead. This will put you in much stronger position. Give them a couple of weeks and let them actually miss you.

“People want what they can’t have” and that’s true. That’s how we are all wired and you should not overwhelm your ex right now with too much attention.

2) Do not let your emotions control you. Anxiety is a common effect after a painful break up. Letting self-pity and severe depression slip in will make your condition even worse, and… not to forget — less attractive to your ex. Get up from your bed and go out with your family and friends. Spending your time with them will make you feel a whole lot better. They are also the people that can give the best advice that you need. So, instead of locking yourself up in your bedroom, bring back your old self and face your endeavours as a strong and mature person.

That’s the best sign you can give your ex. They will get intrigued and respectful of how well you are coping. If you are in doubt… just imagine yourself in their shoes… Who would you find more attractive… a miserable, negative personality, or… a strong and optimistic one, that has decided to not let themselves fall.

3) If your ex was responsible for the break up, you cannot just put the blame on them forever. Remember, relationship is a two way situation. To make it work, you must meet in the middle. If your ex has no plans of changing their character, then you need to initiate the change. Serve as an example, and sooner you will realize that they are slowly changing too.

If you avoid making these mistakes, there is a very big chance of making up with your ex. Doing this may take some time. But having them back for good is worth all the time and effort.